Frequently Asked Questions!
What is TempBot?
TempBot is a Discord bot that allows you to easily and professionally create and manage memberships on your server All you have to do is create the Premium role and TempBot will monitor everything for you and keep you updated and more.
What is the prefix?
TempBot Prefix is tb-
TempBot uses /-commands as a main method, but according to users requests we support some basic commands as text commands and start with tb-
How to use TempBot?
There are many ways to use TempBot to suit your business and needs, where you can assign temporary roles manually or through another bot/webhook, create membership licenses and give them to your customers, and you can also give trial memberships when joining the server or interacting with a button or reaction and much more. Start from here
How to give a temporary role?
There are many ways to give a temporary role
/temprole add {member} {role} {duration} [reason]
tb-temprole add {member} {role} {duration} [reason]
Create a license key and let your members redeem it
Create a join-role and let the new members get it once
Create a reaction-role and let your members click on it
Create a button-role and let your members click on it
Create a track then add the role manually
Create an Integration then let other bots/webhooks add temporary roles And many other ways under development.
How to subscribe to Premium?
Login (Click on Login top left >> LOGIN WITH DISCORD)
Click on ❱ PREMIUM and select the duration
Select the plan >> Click Buy/Subscribe
Add the Coupon/Gift Code if you have then click on CHECKOUT
Enter your ServerID
Complete Payment Requirements
Congratulations, Now you can invite the premium bot [Invite]
How to transfer Premium?
/premium info
To get your PremiumIDUse
/premium transfer <premiumid> <serverid>
To transfer Premium to another server
You can transfer the Premium once weekly
How to unsubscribe from Premium?
Enter your email address
Go to your email and find an email from TEBEX (Login to view your payment history)
Click on View Payment History or the link below
Select Subscriptions and find the subscription you want to cancel
Click on CANCEL then CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION Now you unsubscribe
The subscription will stay active until its duration ends.
Last updated