
Moderators & Administrators can use these commands

1. Moderator Commands

For members with ManageRoles permission & Moderator Staff (/staff)


add (Adding a role to a member)

remove (Removing a role from a member)



(Adding a temprole to a member)


(Removing a temprole from a member)

change role

(Changing the temproles)

change duration

(Changing the duration of a temprole)

change duration-forall <role> <duration> <confirm>

(Changing the duration of a temproles for all members)


member <member> [sort] [filetype](Show member's temproles)

role <role> [sort] [filetype](Shows who has this temprole)

all [sort] [filetype](Shows everyone who has temproles)


Shows information about your server

2. Administrator Commands

For members with Administrator permission & Administrator Staff (/staff)


on_off <event> <turn>(Enable/Disable logs)

set <event> [channel] [color](Set logs)

display(Shows logs details)


res_msg(Shows the bot responding type & Changing it)

/ (⭐Premium)

Allow your members to receive the left duration of their roles after re-join your server

/reminder (⭐Premium)

help(Shows how to create reminders)

create <role> <duration> (Create a new reminder)

edit <id> (Edit the reminder content)

delete <id> (Delete the reminder)

show [id] (Shows reminders)

/license (⭐Premium)

create <role> <duration> [user] [uses] [limit] [count] [expiry] [key] [reason](Create a new license key)

  [user] → The member who can redeem this key
  [uses] → How many times the same member can use this key
 [limit] → How many members can use this key
 [count] → How many keys do you want with the same options
[expiry] → How long time to be non-redeemable
   [key] → Create a special key like (trial, 50off ...etc)
[reason] → The reason that will write in the logs

delete <key> [reason](Delete a license key)

enable <key> [reason](Enable a license key)

disable <key> [reason](Disable a license key)

reset <key> <confirm> [user] [reason](Reset license uses)

show [key](Shows license keys)

/joinrole (⭐Premium)

create <role> [limit] (Create a join role)

delete <id>(Delete a join role)

show [id](Shows join roles)

/reactions (⭐Premium)

create <url> <role> [duration](Create a reaction role)

delete <code>(Delete a reaction role)

show(Shows all reaction roles)

/buttons (⭐Premium)

create <label> <role> [color](Create a button role)

delete <code>(Delete a button role)

show(Shows all button roles)

/boosts (⭐Premium)

set <role> <monthly_limit>(Setting the boosts reward)

on_off <turn>(Enable/Disable boosts reward)

check(Shows the boosts reward settings)

Last updated